Give your Sugaring and Facial Treatments a Boost of Wellness

Takes the "ouch out" of hair removal! 
Are you using our Hungarian Mineral Mud in your treatment room, after sugaring treatments and yes! even in your facials.  If not, you should be.  Hungarian Mineral Mud has an analgesic effect on the skin which soothes and calms after hair removal.  Perfect for removing large amounts of vellus hair on the face, sensitive skin types, and larger body areas too.  Applying a mineral mud mask after sugaring backs, chests is giving your client a wellness spa treatment that will keep them coming back for more!

Hungarian Mineral Mud is everyone's go to mask for all skin types. Anti-aging, problematic, sensitive skin types all benefit from this amazing mud.  Rich in minerals  Hungarian Mineral Mud contains  60% silicon dioxide, which helps build collagen in the skin and maintains the skin's elasticity.  Hungarian Mineral Mud detoxifies and draws out impurities, re-balances red skin leaving the skin looking radiant.  

Mixing our Body Tonic or pure distilled water with equal parts of Hungarian Mineral Mud to create a creamy mask. To enhance the benefits, create your own customized treatments by adding a pump of SweetExfoliator Serum or a drop of essential oil for your client's skin type. The mud is in a dry powder form so it is so easy to customize with your skincare line, toners, hydrosols and serums.